The story behind

Every great maid of honor speech starts with a story. Ours began on a warm summer evening in 2019, at the wedding of my best friend, Sarah. As Sarah's maid of honor, I had spent weeks agonizing over my speech. I wanted it to be perfect – funny, touching, and memorable. But as I stood up, notecards trembling in my hand, I realized I had no idea how to start. That moment of panic inspired this site.

From Struggle to Solution

After the wedding, I couldn't shake the feeling that there had to be a better way. I reached out to other maids of honor and heard similar stories of stress and complete mental block. It became clear that many more women were struggling with this important task. Not all of us are professional writers or storytellers, after all. That's when the idea hit me: what if we could create a tool that combined the personal touch of a heartfelt speech with the guidance of expert writers?


I told my husband the idea, he's a software engineer. Together, we spent months developing an platform that could generate personalized, touching speeches based on a few key details. We tested our system with friends and aquaintances, real maids of honor, refining and improving it based on their feedback. The result? A tool that takes the stress out of speech-writing while guiding you along the way and preserving the personal touch that makes each speech special.

Our Mission

Our mission is simple: we want to help every maid of honor deliver a speech that celebrates friendship, love, and the unique bond between sisters (whether by blood or by choice). We believe that every bride deserves to feel cherished on her wedding day, and every maid of honor deserves to feel confident in her role. That's why we're committed to providing a tool that's not just effective, but also fun and easy to use.

Join Our Story

Whether you're a nervous first-time speaker like me, or a seasoned pro looking for fresh ideas, is here to help you craft the perfect speech. Because at the end of the day, it's not just about the words on the page. It's about the memories you're honoring, the friendship you're celebrating, and the love you're sharing with everyone in the room. Let's us help you write your perfect speech.

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